If something defines the films I make, it would be amateur. As Maya Deren (1965) said, when thinking about the origins of the word, amateur is that one that does cinema out of love, not for an economic reason or a necessity. I make films for love to the process, to get immersed in journeys with unknown destinies. Assuming such processes as they are, freeing the image from the quality fetish ーinherited from industrial and patriarchal cinema (Hito Steyerl, 2009)ー and looking for autonomous ways of being.
The Future

Dir. Luisa F. Gonzalez / Prod. Jhina Hernández, Cintadhesiva / 2016 - work in progress

As soon as I graduated from my bachelor's, I started to work. Unemployment never came. On the contrary, I was thrown to the whirl of an office job, with many responsibilities, and a salary that finally would allow my independence. But I wanted to be a filmmaker, so in my little free time, I started making a film in Popayán, the city where I grew up. But life there was another, and when I put my camera on my relatives and friends, everything seemed to crumble. Meanwhile, in Cali life did not stop growing and tangle up. This film is a jump to the adulthood void, and I'm still falling.

Miss Colombia
Dir. Luisa F. Gonzalez / Prod. Jhina Hernández, Cintadhesiva / 2018 - work in progress

My father had four daughters, with three different women. He has been an absent figure for all of us, except for my youngest sister Laura. When she decided to start a path to fame, through becoming a beauty queen, I started a path to deconstruct the woman I had been for thirty years, after a hurtful rupture. Both processes came together at the impossible project of making a film with my sister. By having become in Miss Colombia, she was now an image, copyright, a woman idealization.

Cine Digital Popular
Dir. Luisa F. Gonzalez / Produ. Escuela de Comunicación Social de la Universidad del Valle y Telepacífico - Serie Bajo el Mismo Cielo / 25 min / 2016

Nelson Freddy Osorio, Andrés Lozano, Wilson Quintero, Alexis Ocoró, and Fernando Escobar represent an alternative cinema, produced in towns and remote cities of Colombia, and distributed at the video-stalls of popular markets. Movies that take from hegemonic cinema and television elements to narrate local contexts of violence, and where the communities participate is a sort of happening, of telling their wounds and traumas.

The job of the future
Dir. Luisa F. Gonzalez / 77 min / 2012.

Luisa is about to graduate from her bachelor and full of doubts about her future she decides to make a diary film in which she reunites her spread family and their vision about work. All of them are part of network marketing multinationals that offer a job to anyone who wants to sell their products and bring more people to the company. The promise of being millionaires is always present, something about what Luisa doubts. But she doubts about her own profession as a filmmaker. Is there any future in what I do? She asks her self. Can we be happy through our jobs? It is the question this film asks us.

The University Series
The Universidad del Valle, where I did my bachelor in Social Communication, was where I started to deconstruct the world that for fifteen years did the female and catholic school in a conservative and feudal city as it is Popayán.
The Universidad del Valle is one of the biggest public universities in Colombia, where people from many different places and stories come together. Self-agency of the campus and the people inhabiting it is something in a constant struggle within the violence system that rules in Colombia. Nevertheless, most of the time, the community wins, and Univalle can be a place where it is possible to experiment with freedom.

Palabras de Silvana di Lorenzo
Dir. Luisa F. Gonzalez / 4'15" / 2010

Experimenting with bodies, popular love songs, and the camera in the bed.
